Our Training and Socialization Program
Here at Toby’s Legacy Pups we take training seriously, we are intentional in the way we raise and train our puppies starting from the first day they are born. Socializing puppies has traditionally been considered the responsibility of the new owner. Today research shows that encouraging a stable temperament can start very early in a puppy’s life.
We can do a lot to make sure our puppies have a great start on being more adaptable to all the situations they will encounter in life. We look at the first three weeks of the puppies’ lives.
The First Three Weeks
The first three weeks of a puppy’s life are a crucial time. Puppies are very helpless at this stage. Their eyes do not open until around 10 days, and the sense of hearing starts around 2 weeks. Mama dog does most of the work at this stage, and our job is to keep everyone warm, safe, and clean.
The most important way to interact with our litters during this phase is by touch. Our puppies should be gently handled and stroked at least two times a day so they learn that human touch is a pleasant experience.

Early Neurological Stimulation
In addition, we will include the Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) exercises, which are conducted once daily from the third to the 16thdays, a period believed to be a time of rapid neurological growth and development. Even though puppies are very immature during this time frame, they are sensitive and respond to ENS.
What Does ENS Do?
When performed correctly, ENS is believed to impact the neurological system and make the difference in its socialization and personality of the puppy. ENS is time sensitive and must be performed from the third to the 16th days of a puppy’s life.

The exercises are not a substitution for daily handling and stroking of young puppies.
Five benefits have been observed in puppies that were exposed to ENS, including:
- Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate)
- Stronger heart beats
- Stronger adrenal glands
- More tolerance to stress
- Greater resistance to disease.
We believe by giving our pups a great start, turns in an amazing family member for you.